Fivesparks is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational and arts organization which receives no Town, state or government funding. We rely on your help to operate. Please support our work as you are able.

Your donation will be used to help us:

      • Expand our programming and course offerings
      • Enhance our art exhibit space, where community artists can showcase their work
      • Continue to improve the building’s interior spaces to provide a welcoming venue for community activities
ContributE by paypal or credit card here:

Contributions may also be made by check:

Payable to “Fivesparks” and mailed to 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard MA, 01451.

Information for Matching Gifts or Donations from Charitable Giving Funds:

Tax ID Number: 47-3686280
Organization Legal Name: Harvard Cultural Collaborative
Organization Address: 7 Fairbank Street
Organization City: Harvard
Organization State: Massachusetts
Organization ZIP Code: 01451
Contact: Willie Wickman

Fivesparks is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Contributions are considered charitable deductions as allowed by law.
Please join Fivesparks volunteers, friends, and supporters who make possible our mission of creating opportunities that deepen and diversify artistic, cultural and social experiences.